2022IASJNYlogo300x210Orange Combo

Sunday, June 26th 2022

6:00PM to 6:45PM 

New School Jazz Performance Space

Combo led by Eric Ineke, and Massimo Cavalli



Prodromos Digkas, Bass, IU Corfu, Greece

João Ventura, Drums, Hot Clube, Lisboa, Portugal

Milan Verbist, Piano, RC Antwerp, Belgium

Joel Kolehmainen, Baritone Sax, Helsinki Pop & Jazz Conservatory, Finland


Music Selections, Composer/Arranger

 Nyctophilia (Milan Verbist)

Pink (Zoe Murphy)

Epilogue (Zoe Murphy)

The Purple Cloud (João Ventura)

Stuff 17 (Joel Kolehmainen)

Andromeda (Prodromos Digkas)

Pretending (Zoe Murphy)

IASJ contacts

IASJ - Wouter Turkenburg - Unit 2
3e Binnenvestgracht 23-J
The Netherlands

E-mail address: info@iasj.com

IASJ slogan

The future of jazz is linked to the future of jazz education, and the IASJ is the chain.


The IASJ is a member of the IMC, the International Music Council, affiliated with UNESCO.

IASJ since 1989

In 1989 David Liebman initiated a gathering of representatives of schools of jazz. In The Hague, The Netherlands in 1990 the first IASJ Jazz Meeting took place. Ever since, a yearly IASJ Jazz Meeting is organized in a different city.


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